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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Tribes of Man

I have been having a wild array of conversations with humans recently. It seems that purple hair and fur coats really open people up! Awesome!

Tonight I went to the corner mart to buy some beer. Its cold outside, so I wore my fur coat (the best $12 investment *ever*, thrift store c.2003) and my handmade woven hat, a bright orange affair with ponytails. The clerk looks me up and down, smiles, and asks "so, is that some kind of traditional costume you are wearing?" I was fascinated by this take on it, and briefly considered saying "Yes, its Burner."... but demurred, and said "it keeps me warm!" He had a thick accent so I asked him where he was from. "Ghana," he replied. I ventured a guess and said "East coast?," and he kindly corrected me, saying "west coast of africa." then added "In my country people wear traditional coats like that, they are usually made of lion or tiger skin. When they hunt the animal, they preserve the skins and make them into clothing." I was both fascinated at this modern tribal tale and honored that he thought that my jacket might have a similar origin. Indeed, I had just been practicing archery, honing my skills for the day when I will hunt my own food and craft my own clothing, and told him as much. He smiled broadly. A connection had been made. A bridge between cultures and eons. Cool. 

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