I've been investing an immense amount of my time recently developing business plans and applications for the forthcoming Google Glass platform. Alongside my planning and coding efforts, I've been re-freshing my cultural vocabulary with books and movies that are aligned to the Brave New World. So without further adieu, I present to you:
1. Down and out in the Magic Kingdom,
by Cory Doctorow
Jump start your brain cells with this warped view of a possible future, where everything is provided and people only work on the things they love, and money is social credit. It takes a few chapters to get your bearing on this one, yet persevere, its worth it.
2. Hackers, by Steven Levy
the true story of how the modern computing revolution started. Including absolutely fascinating stories about MIT hacker culture, and the founding of both Apple and Microsoft. Must read to get your history on, and see context for where we are today.
3. The Diamond Age, by Neal Stephenson
This dense read grows on you with time. Presents a very distant future where nano-tech is pervasive and global society has splintered into massive groups of haves- and have-nots, as well as spiritualists vs. technologists... wait a second, that kind of sounds like today... you're starting to get it. Read on.
4. The Age of Spiritual Machines,
by Ray Kurzweil
This is one of the most mind blowing books I've ever read. In fact, its the only book that I went out and bought 10 copies of to share with my friends. Kurzweil is a genuine genius, having invented both the modern music synthesizer as well as voice recognition. A unique and mind shattering view of what is to come once machines transcend human intelligence.
5. Ready Player One,
by Ernest Cline
As Snow Crash was to the 90s, RPO is to the 10s. A refreshing view of a world goggled in to a compelling VR land, and a delightful journey through 80s techno-trivia. EverQuest? World of WarCraft? Get ready for OASIS.
Required Reading
for the forthcoming
Age of Wearables
by Cory Doctorow
Jump start your brain cells with this warped view of a possible future, where everything is provided and people only work on the things they love, and money is social credit. It takes a few chapters to get your bearing on this one, yet persevere, its worth it.
2. Hackers, by Steven Levy
the true story of how the modern computing revolution started. Including absolutely fascinating stories about MIT hacker culture, and the founding of both Apple and Microsoft. Must read to get your history on, and see context for where we are today.

This dense read grows on you with time. Presents a very distant future where nano-tech is pervasive and global society has splintered into massive groups of haves- and have-nots, as well as spiritualists vs. technologists... wait a second, that kind of sounds like today... you're starting to get it. Read on.
4. The Age of Spiritual Machines,
by Ray Kurzweil
This is one of the most mind blowing books I've ever read. In fact, its the only book that I went out and bought 10 copies of to share with my friends. Kurzweil is a genuine genius, having invented both the modern music synthesizer as well as voice recognition. A unique and mind shattering view of what is to come once machines transcend human intelligence.
5. Ready Player One,
by Ernest Cline
As Snow Crash was to the 90s, RPO is to the 10s. A refreshing view of a world goggled in to a compelling VR land, and a delightful journey through 80s techno-trivia. EverQuest? World of WarCraft? Get ready for OASIS.
6. Snow Crash,
by Neal Stephenson
The grand mama of cyberpunk. A rude and awakening and punchy vision of a post-technology world where hip youngsters and global corporations mash together to save the world. Since you've read this far, go ahead and read this one first.
by Neal Stephenson
The grand mama of cyberpunk. A rude and awakening and punchy vision of a post-technology world where hip youngsters and global corporations mash together to save the world. Since you've read this far, go ahead and read this one first.
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