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Thursday, October 22, 2009

The Joys of Planning

The plane would leave in 2 hours. I had a 45 minute drive to the airport, barring traffic. I leapt out of the shower. I hadn't even packed yet. I hastily threw a toothbrush and deoderant into my knapsack, grabbed a random book off the shelf, checked that I had my ID, and bolted out the door.

That pretty much described my routine for trip planning up until now. It had its joys, and its consequences.  I've always heard that half the fun of a trip is the planning that goes into it. Until last night, I had never felt that way. But suddenly I see. I see a path unfolding in front of me. And with that path and some lofty goals in mind, the planning has begun.

The first step was to choose a yoga school for teacher training. Thanks to a beautiful Belgian girl I met in an airport, I gained insight into this one. Asking her whether she thought I should train in New York or India, she looked at me quizzically and said: "Yoga came from India. If you have that opportunity, why would you go anywhere else?" That crystallized it.

Following that conversation, I realised that my original school of yoga was actually based in India: Sevananda. I found that they had teacher trainings all throughout the year. I examined all the schools. One is in the Himalayas, a mere 30 miles (a days walk!) from the Tibetan border! That settled it.

Let the planning begin.

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