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Friday, October 2, 2009

The List

Alison just asked me, post-completion of my first 10k run ever, what was next on the list... which got me thinking; there's a lot on the list, nows the time to prioritize it. So here's the raw braindump first :)
  1. side splits
  2. forward splits
  3. install gymnastic rings and get started on those
  4. 16 consecutive pull-ups
  5. build parallettes and get started with those
  6. sustained free handstand
  7. full royal pigeon w/o assistance (eka pada rajakapotasana)
  8. backflip
  9. full grasshopper (viparita salabhasana)
  10. olympic powerlift (clean and press) of my full body weight
  11. New York City Marathon
So, I'm figuring that list should keep me busy for some time. xo, G

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I LOVE it!! Ready, set, go!