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Monday, November 16, 2009

Flying on the Wings of Yoga

Vairagya (detachment) and Abhyasa (practice) are oft cited as the "wings of yoga."

They act as complementary forces in our lives. Let's say we are trying to accomplish a goal, such as wishing to be able to touch our toes in a forward bend. Or perhaps we have a loftier goal, like learning to fly. The wings of yoga instruct us to:

a) determine to make a daily abhyasa (practice) to move us gently and solidly towards our goal, and

b) embody a state of vairagya (detachment) so that we release all concerns about ever achieving the goal, accepting whatever gifts we find along the path and embracing the present moment.

Humans who are too fixated on accomplishing a task inherently damage the result by being too dependent upon it. At the same time, like the tortoise and the hare, it is the solid and consistent dedication, one day at a time, that eventually brings us to the destination which we have envisioned.

So, in your goal setting, be determined and disciplined, and hold yourself accountable to move yourself some small amount in your intended direction every day. At the same time, detach yourself from all neediness and obsession with actually achieving your goal. Accept the natural flow of life, breath, and take joy in the gifts of the journey.

Namaste. Namaskar. Smiles :)

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