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Thursday, June 26, 2008


I am getting very very close to the handstand.
My Tarot of the Day was the Hanged Man, which gives me thoughts about inversions.

At AcroYoga Jedi Kula Training, we did spotted handstands, and Becca, our coach, called out timings as we held it: "30 seconds, 45 seconds, 1 minute". When I applied for AcroYoga teacher training, one of the items on the questionairre was: "How long can you hold a wall handstand for?" I timed myself at just over a minute. I was sure at the time I coulda done longer, but it seemed sufficient for the application. Plus, what I *really* want is:

1) to hold a handstand in perfect balance, without support, and then my Holy Grail:

2) to push up into a handstand from a headstand

I nailed this second one a few weeks ago after Revolva and I exchanged some emails on technique. I realised that there were two key factors: a) spreading the hands *wide*, and b) just *gutting* through the first few inches of elevation. After my head was off the ground and I had broken through that psychological / strength barrier, it was easy.

Now, re-invigorated from the AcroYoga practice, and re-determined to nail my handstand, I've found a great web coach:


Beast Skills. Love it! :)

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