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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

More Yogic Guidance

The intensity and longing in romantic love creates a powerful fire in the heart.

When that fire is turned inward and directed toward God or toward the Inner Self, then it can transform our character, open our inner heart, and move us into great depths of surrender and adoration.

Depths, eh?

I have had several dreams so far about my NYC experience that lead me to believe that this is, in actuality, a trip deep down into the wells of my unconscious being. Multiple dreams about being deep deep deep underwater, swimming, light filtering in from high above.
And more:

There are two paths to dealing with wild and potentially reckless romantic love.

The first is discipline and renunciation, a detachment from the feelings. (Ugh.)

The second originates from the ancient Yogic philosophy known as Tantra. Tantra asks you to focus on the feelings behind the fantasies -- the pure feeling of longing for love that we all possess. This longing is activated by our connection to another person, yet it is much larger than that individual. When we find the inner feeling and follow it, the longing can lead us towards Essence itself.

This second path moves us into and through the fantasy to the longing at its core. By attending to the call of your deepest desire, you can transform your fantasies into pointers rather than ends in themselves.

I sure hope the second path works. I'm betting my life on it.

1 comment:

Girlflame said...

Wow...it's definitely synchronicity at work that led me to read this post today. Just went through an experience where this information is VERY necessary for me to know.

Thank you.